
Your unclaimed funds are waiting for you!

Welcome to ClaimsComp. If you have received communication from us, it is because you, or someone close to you, is the beneficiary of unclaimed money.

We’ve identified money that we believe belongs to you (or someone close to you that we’re trying to reach).

We’ve handled all types of claims, from very simple to extremely complex.  We’ve been successful 186,000 times!

We don’t charge upfront fees….ever. And we’ll give you a $500 advance after your claim is filed1.

If we file your claim and it’s not approved, you owe us nothing.
You can even keep the $500 advance!

Give us a call. You have nothing to lose, and thousands of dollars to gain!

Contact Danielle today –  678.822.9073 or

About Us

ClaimsComp is A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau. We’ve been helping people like you reclaim money for over 15 years.  Our mission is to make you aware of money you legally own or are entitled to claim, and return those funds to you as quickly as possible.  There is no risk or obligation for our service and if your funds are not recovered, you owe us nothing.

What Are Unclaimed Funds?

Common types of unclaimed funds include dividends, credit balances, insurance proceeds, and excess proceeds from tax sales and foreclosures.

In 2015, $3.235 billion was returned to the rightful owners (or heirs).
It is estimated that $5.8 Billion remains unclaimed.

Call us today – 678.822.9073

Ask any questions about your money or the process to claim it.

1 $500 advance is payable to the qualified legal owner of funds only.